(480) 272-4922


How To Safely Respond To Medical Episodes In A Hotel

Hotel employees need to be educated on reasonable and acceptable practices.By Stephen Barth, Salvatore Caccavale – Hotel Management, July 12, 2023 At some point in their careers, hotel employees may be required to respond to a medical episode in one of the following circumstances: For the non-medical career professional, responding


Hotel Safety and Security Risks to Owners, Operators & Insurance

Our Summary Paper, Hotel Safety and Security Risks to Owners, Operators & Insurance, was prepared in conjunction with our presentation at the April 2022 HospitalityLawyer.Com conference in Houston, Texas, and again at their fall conference in Alexandria, Virginia in September 2022. The audience demographics represent in-house hospitality counsel, outside counsel


Fentanyl + Hotel Related Incidents

Our Summary Paper, Fentanyl + Hotel Related Incidents, was prepared in conjunction with our presentation at the May 2023 HospitalityLawyer.Com conference in Houston, Texas. The audience demographics represent in-house hospitality counsel, outside counsel with a specialty in hospitality law, risk managers and insurers. Continuing Legal Education Credits are earned for